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Offshore Wind Scotland

Scotland has an amazing offshore wind resource and the world-class skills and facilities required to operate in a sometimes hostile deep-water environment.

About Offshore Wind Scotland

Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) in partnership with the Scottish Government, Scottish Enterprise and South of Scotland Enterprise has created this website to showcase the offshore wind industry in Scotland. Here you will find an overview of the sector; information about current developments and opportunities; instructions on how to become part of the Clean Energy Cluster and Forth and Tay Offshore supply chain clusters, and who to contact to find out more.

About HIE

HIE is the economic and community development agency for the north and west of Scotland. We help to build a prosperous, inclusive and sustainable economy across our region, attracting more people to live, work, study, invest and visit.

As an agency, we are committed to supporting and developing the growth of the offshore wind energy sector. We recognise that offshore renewables offer Scotland a once-in-a generation opportunity for significant economic growth.

Our region is well placed to capture a significant share of the multi-billion pound offshore wind market, with extensive skills availability, a strong supply chain and ideal natural assets in abundance.

Our partners and stakeholders

We have adopted a 'whole of Scotland' approach for the Offshore Wind Scotland website, working with a number of partners including the Scottish Offshore Wind Energy Council (SOWEC) and our sister enterprise agencies, Scottish Enterprise and South of Scotland Enterprise.

Other stakeholders include Local Authorities, Skills Development Scotland and ESP, as well as the representative supply chain bodies such as the national Scottish offshore wind supply chain cluster, the Clean Energy Cluster and the Forth and Tay Offshore cluster.


Our partners

You can find out more about HIE and our partners on the websites below.

Find out more about Offshore Wind in Scotland

Explore our website to find out more about the offshore wind sector in Scotland. If you'd like to speak with someone about sector and development opportunities, get in touch.


Please get in touch if you need our help or would like to discuss working with us.


Find out what's happening across Scotland in the offshore wind market.

The Offshore Wind Market in Scotland

The Scottish offshore wind market is now one of the largest in the world and currently leads on the development of commercial floating wind with 15GW of in the pipeline

The Scottish Offshore Wind Industry

The industry is represented at senior level by the Scottish Offshore Wind Energy Council which brings together all the elements that go to make up the offshore wind sector.