Beatrice Dock1920

Grow or invest in Scotland

Scottish Development International (SDI) can help businesses from around the world to discover what Scotland can do for them. If your business is looking to invest in or relocate to Scotland, our trade and inward investment agency can help.


Support to invest

With the accelerating shift away from fossil fuels, Scotland is rapidly transitioning from these fuels to more sustainable solutions. We have huge opportunities for Scottish companies and international investors, particularly in offshore wind and large scale hydrogen production to help the hard to abate areas of the economy such as heat and transport.

Scotland is already a world leader in floating wind but we are also leading the world in the decarbonisation of offshore oil and gas assets with plans to electrify North Sea production energy with floating offshore wind.

Our national offshore wind wind supply chain cluster, the Clean Energy Cluster can support companies to access this huge market in Scotland. The Scottish Government's three enterprise agencies, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Scottish Enterprise and South of Scotland Enterprise, have a number of support mechanisms and can also assist inward investment in partnership with our international trade and investment agency, Scottish Development International (SDI).   

Get support to invest from SDI

Arnish Yard, Isle of Lewis, transition pieces for the Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm being loaded out

World-leading climate change targets

By choosing Scotland you’ll be supported and guided by our world-leading climate change targets which demonstrate our commitment to a net zero future.

We’ve already made great strides in our transition away from fossil fuels. In 2020, an estimated 97.4% of Scotland's gross electricity consumption came from renewables.

Our targets

  • 50% of Scotland’s total energy demand (electricity, heat and transport) to be supplied by renewable sources by 2030
  • Net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045
  • 75% emissions reduction by 2030 – the toughest statutory emissions target in the world
  • 11GW offshore wind by 2030
  • 5GW of hydrogen production by 2030

In addition, the UK’s Clean Energy 2030 Plan aims to deliver 43-50GW of offshore wind in the UK by 2030 by running annual Contracts for Difference auctions (the UK’s mechanism for supporting low carbon generation) from 2023.

Scottish REZ And EEZ

Scotland's Exclusive Economic Zone

Boasting one of Europe’s largest offshore Renewable Energy Zones, outlined in blue on the Marine Scotland National Marine Plan Interactive (NMPI) online map tool on the left, Scotland is the natural location for your offshore wind project.

To help put this into perspective, if you take the four countries that signed the Esbjerg Offshore Wind Declaration i.e. Germany, Netherlands, Belgium and Denmark, in which they pledged to deliver 150GW of offshore wind by 2050 then Scotland's REZ is larger than all four nations offshore areas put together.

Therefore, although Scotland has been slow to exploit this huge offshore wind resource we are now picking up the pace of development with almost 4 gigawatt (GW) already operational or under construction and up to 6GW in the pipeline, and we’re ensuring this huge market continues to boom.

Our ScotWind Leasing Round awarded an additional 30GW of offshore wind with the aim of delivering the bulk of this capacity by 2032-33. Over 64% of this capacity is floating wind and the whole round did not exceed the targeted 8,600sq km allocated for this round. This is out of a REZ which consists of over 300,000sq km and illustrates the huge potential for future offshore wind in Scottish waters. It is also one of the reasons why Scotland will be a future large scale producer and exporter of green hydrogen to the rest of the UK and to Northern Europe.

INTOG leasing round

We also launched the INTOG (Innovation and Targeted Oil and Gas) leasing round in August 2022 and this aims to deliver up to 5.4GW of electrification of oil and gas facilities in the North Sea by 2030 by using floating wind technologies.

As a world top ten offshore wind market, Scotland’s enormous 40GW plus project pipeline will create opportunities for:

  • Innovative floating wind technologies
  • Substructures
  • Mooring systems
  • Anchors
  • Cable protection systems and buoyancy modules
  • Large castings and forgings
  • Turbine blades
  • Electrical substations
  • Export, array and dynamic cable manufacturing
  • Construction and associated supply chains
  • Operations and maintenance services

The market in Scotland

Discover all Scotland has to offer for Offshore Wind investors and the clusters that support our industry.

The Offshore Wind Market in Scotland

The Scottish offshore wind market is now one of the largest in the world and currently leads on the development of commercial floating wind with 15GW of in the pipeline

The Scottish Offshore Wind Industry

The industry is represented at senior level by the Scottish Offshore Wind Energy Council which brings together all the elements that go to make up the offshore wind sector.


Find out what's happening across Scotland in the offshore wind market.

Scotland is at the forefront of the 5th Industrial Revolution.
Paul O'Brien, Senior Development Manager, DeepWind Cluster Expert, Highlands and Islands Enterprise

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