Ports and Harbours - West Coast Sites


Hunterston PARC

Port owners Peel Ports have put forward a Master Development Plan for the Hunterston Port and Resource Centre (PARC) site which will see it play a role in multiple industries which includes offshore wind and oil and gas decommissioning. The planned redevelopment will offer 700m of quayside and over 25 hectares of laydown area potentially earmarked for offshore wind from the total 100 hectare site.

Previously serving as Scotland's coal terminal for the coal fired power stations in the Central Belt it is seeking a new role in Scotland's energy landscape with the demise of all these power stations across Scotland. Offshore wind is coming to the West Coast of Scotland with the new ScotWind leasing round and Hunterston is now positioning itself for a leading role in this new opportunity in the West.

As part of this new lease of life they are working with the ORE Catapult and the University of Strathclyde to investigate the potential for floating wind substructure manufacturing in the port as well as offering marshalling services to the offshore wind sector.

See the Hunterston PARC website for a more detailed specification on the port's faculties.

Image credit: Hunterston PARC


Campbeltown Harbour

The harbour currently serves as the transport hub for the UK's only wind turbine tower company, CS Wind, at Machrihanish. This has meant that the harbour's owners, Argyll and Bute Council, have had to invest alongside the tower manufacturer to keep pace with the demands on the harbour's infrastructure as the size of the wind turbines just got larger and larger. This has resulted in wider quaysides and stronger lift pads within the harbour to make it suitable for handling the largest industry tower sections.

It's position at the base of the Kintyre Peninsula on the West Coast means that it is well positioned to play a further role in the development of offshore wind as the ScotWind leasing process moves forward.

See the Campbeltown Harbour section on the Scottish Energy Ports website for a more detailed specification on the port's faculties.


Mallaig Harbour

Mallaig Harbour has diversified from it’s fishing heritage and now provides a range of services to the fisheries, aquaculture and tourism industries. Mallaig has good transport links, which has led to its development as a ferry terminal, with regular ferry sailings to Skye, the Small Isles and Lochboisdale.

MOWI harvest fish through Mallaig for onward processing in Fort William, and the port is a hub for the aquaculture industry, being well placed to service sites on the West Coast of Scotland, including the Outer Hebrides.

Mallaig Harbour Authority published their Masterplan in 2016, and this has been further strengthened by the results of a Scottish Transport Appraisal Guidance (STAG) advisory for the Armadale and Mallaig ferry terminals. The plans would see a new North Breakwater built, with additional deep-water berthing, and the relocation of the ferry terminal from its existing position within the Harbour. This will free up quay space on the existing Harbour and provide additional commercial opportunities along the new quay.

Mallaig’s central location on the West Coast of Scotland would make it an ideal Harbour to provide services to renewables sites on the West Coast and the harbour is keen to engage with the industry to incorporate any required infrastructure within the proposed Masterplan developments.   

See the Mallaig Harbour website for a more detailed specification on the harbour's faculties.

Image credit: Scotavia


Kishorn Port

Kishorn Port is home to one of the largest dry dock facilities in Europe. It is strategically positioned on the West Coast and, at 80m, boasts one of the deepest channels in the UK in Loch Kishorn and Loch Carron. These two elements in close proximity makes Kishorn one of the ideal sites for floating wind related activity. Kishorn Port is owned and operated by Ferguson Transport and Leiths, who also have a quarry on the site.

The owners have recently invested in a multi-million pound upgrade of the 160m dry dock gates, seals and pumping system and laid a new access road down onto the floor of the dry dock (shown above), along with erecting 120 person accommodation block on site, with welfare, canteen and gym facilities

See the Kishorn Port section on the Scottish Energy Ports website for a more detailed specification on the port's faculties. 

Image credit: Kishorn Port


Lochinver Harbour

Lochinver Harbour is home to many of the whitefish vessels from the UK, France and Spain that ply the water of the North West Coast, Rockall and the North Atlantic. It is one of the centres of fishing on the North West Coast and is situated in the Assynt district of Sutherland. Lochinver is also the home of Highland Council's Harbour division which manages the harbour and 7 other harbours in the Highlands area.

Its position in on the North West Coast has brought it to the attention of the offshore wind industry as a potential site for operations and maintenance activity due to its proximity to the planned projects in the forthcoming ScotWind leasing round with three major sites to the north of Lochinver. 

With over 400m of quayside and a minimum water depth of 5.5m it is an ideal harbour for the vessels required for early stage wind farm development work such as site, environmental and geotechnical surveys as well as for craft involved in the longer term operational and maintenance activity.    

Information on Lochinver Harbour can be found on Highland Council's website.


Kinlochbervie Harbour

With over 200m of quayside, not including the 150m stretch of quayside beside the Fish Market, Kinlochbervie Harbour, is another site of potential interest to the offshore wind industry given its proximity to the proposed sites in the forthcoming ScotWind leasing round on the North West Coast of Scotland.

The harbour is managed by Highland Council and is one of the most northerly harbours on the West Coast which is one reason why it is popular with fishing vessel covering the West Coast and the North Atlantic.

This is another ideal harbour for the vessels required for early stage wind farm development work such as site, environmental and geotechnical surveys as well as for craft involved in the longer term operational and maintenance activity.       

Information on Kinlochbervie Harbour can be found on Highland Council's website.


Stornoway Harbour

Stornoway Harbour serves multiple maritime sectors including ferry traffic, cruise liners, cargo, fishing, aquaculture and oil and gas. It is the main gateway onto Lewis and Harris in the Western Isles. CalMac, the ferry operator, run lifeline services to the mainland from Stornoway for passengers, cars and commercial traffic and Marine Scotland's Fishery Protection vessels (blue vessel in the background of the above photo) are regular visitors.

The Port Authority now plan to expand the port with a deep water facility (shown in image above) on the opposite side of the bay to connect up to the nearby Arnish facility, run by Harland and Wolff, which is involved in heavy fabrication for the offshore wind and oil and gas markets.

The Phase 1 plan will include a new berth for cruise ships up to 330m in length, 10m water depth and a separate Ro-Ro facility for a dedicated fright ferry.
Phases 2 and 3 will see the completion of a Deep Water Port with 800m of quayside and 29 hectares of laydown area. The aim is to have Phase 2 completed in time to allow Stornoway to take part in the development of the ScotWind leasing sites off the North Coast of Lewis    

View the Port Authority's Masterplan


Arnish Yard

Arnish is located four miles from the town of Stornoway in the Isle of Lewis and is home to one of Scotland’s key renewable energy manufacturing sites.

Arnish port was developed in the late 70’s as part of the Stornoway Port expansion as a fabrication yard. It has now been bought by Harland and Wolff and is a 38 hectare development site, offering purpose-built fabrication and assembly halls including fully equipped client, project and administration office facilities, and has facility for the production of pipes, piles, transition pieces, monopiles and other devices for the energy industry.

Harland and Wolff's main rolling facility is at Arnish and is capable of rolling some of the largest diameter sections for the offshore wind industry.   

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Ports and Harbours

DeepWind includes many of the main infrastructure players including ports and harbours and supply chains behind them.