The fourth round of the Contracts for Difference (CfD) scheme has been the most successful ever, securing almost 11GW across a range of clean technologies, including offshore wind, solar, onshore wind, and - for the first time ever - floating offshore wind and tidal stream – helping to boost British energy security and independence with cleaner, more affordable and diverse energy created in the UK.
The CfD AR4 results held some good news for Scottish offshore wind projects with Red Rock Power and ESB's Inch Cape project being allocated a contract covering the whole 1080MW of their project capacity and Ocean Wind's Moray West project being allocated a contract for 294MW.
The round included 7GW of fixed offshore wind projects and these achieved a new record low strike price of £37.30/MWh while the first floating wind project, the 32MW TwinHub project in the Celtic Sea area, had a strike price of £87.30.
A spreadsheet with the results for all 93 projects is available to download from the Offshore Wind Scotland web site using the link below.
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