Windcat Workboats H2 20220414 Medium (2)

Operation & Maintenance Subgroup

Operation and maintenance is one of the long term opportunity areas attached to the development of offshore wind in Scotland – with ports and harbours providing and earmarked for O+M bases already seeing growth and regeneration.


The UK Operations & Maintenance (O&M) Market

The Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) in their 2020 Electricity Generation Costs report puts the average cost for O&M for a 1,000MW offshore wind farm at £50m per annum. This includes fixed and variable costs. The UK's target for offshore wind by 2030 is now 50GW in total, making the O&M market worth approximately £2.5bn per annum by that date.

The 2050 forecast of the offshore wind market in the UK is now around 120GW, if we are to achieve the UK's Net Zero target, and while O&M costs are forecast to reach £35.5m per GW by this date it would still mean that the market will be worth in excess of £4.25bn per annum.

This is now the lower end of the market estimate for 2050 as it does not factor in any future offshore wind projects dedicated to the production of hydrogen which is a subsector expected to emerge at scale before the end of this decade. 

Image Credit (left) - Dangle Rope Access


Innovation in O&M Strategies

The future years of the O&M market will be dominated by the pressure to reach this £35.5m/GW level.

The general road to cost reduction for the offshore wind sector will involve larger turbine capacities, longer blade lengths and be further offshore. While these will reduce overall CAPEX costs they will add to issues already being seen in the industry with leading edge blade erosion, damage due to higher tip speeds, longer vessel journeys and shorter weather access windows.

Better material technology will assist to alleviate some of the problems but it will fall on the supply chain to come up with the innovation across all these areas which will be necessary to keep future cost reduction strategies on track.

Our O&M subgroup members represent almost every facet of the offshore wind operation and maintenance supply chain, and will be involved in developing and delivering the innovation required by the industry, not just in the UK, but globally.

Image right - DeepWind developer group member, Vattenfall, are using their European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre at Aberdeen Bay to test drive innovation in O&M. They are also adding offshore production of hydrogen to this site with their HT1(Hydrogen Turbine 1) project which will also demonstrate related O&M operations for offshore hydrogen production.  

Moray East - new O&M base at Fraserburgh Harbour

O&M bases

With over 25 ports and harbours, O&M bases are are growing opportunity for businesses operating in this area. 

Developers are already signing 25 year leases to place their O&M bases in ports and harbours near to their wind farm sites creating the opportunity for new jobs in many of the communities surrounding them.

Our work with ESP, Skills Development Scotland, OPITO, ECITB and the local college network on the new Skills for Offshore Wind Partnership aims to ensure that local people are offered the ability to gain the skills necessary to become turbine technicians, vessel crew, drone pilots and many of the other roles required to operate and maintain the offshore wind farms. 

Refurbished or new facilities will be springing up at many of our smaller port sites such as those that already exist at Wick and Fraserburgh Harbours or the SSE Renewables one just constructed at Montrose. Another facility for the Inch Cape projects is also planned for Montrose as well as a recently announced base at Buckie for the Moray West project. As other new wind farms appear in the far north or on the West Coast then many more such bases will be needed by the offshore wind industry.

O&M Base at Fraserburgh Harbour.
Image credit (left) - Moray East Offshore Windfarm


Moray East substation under construction at New Deer

Electrical Infrastructure

Besides the offshore wind farms themselves, there is the related electrical power infrastructure to be maintained. This consists of the subsea cables, offshore and onshore substations, as well as the HVDC convertor stations, which will also be required for the larger capacity windfarms further from shore.

The addition of dynamic cable maintenance and inspection for floating wind projects is already an area that Scotland leads the world on as we ae already home to the world's largest floating offshore wind farms, Hywind Scotland and the Kincardine project, with the 100MW Pentland Floating Wind farm due to be added to this list by 2024/25.

The huge floating wind projects in the ScotWind round could also see the introduction of floating HVAC and HVDC substations which will come with their own O&M challenges.  

Subsea inspection, HV cable repair and maintenance, along with substation operations and servicing, will require a further set of skills, vessels and equipment that our subgroup members have in abundance.   

Image Credit - Moray East Offshore Wind Ltd

O&M Subgroup Membership

DeepWind's O&M Subgroup is led by our two industry Co-chairs Stephen Thomson from Fugro and Callum Maxwell from Proserv. It currently consists of 279 members, all listed below. It will continue to grow as we recruit new members from the main DeepWind cluster or from additional new members.

1 1StopWind 141 Kito Crosby
2 4MS Network Solutions 142 Kraken Robotics Services UK Limited
3 4Subsea 143 KRG Specialist Engineering Services Limited
4 ABL Aberdeen Limited 144 Legasea
5 Absoft 145 Lerwick Engineering and Fabrication
6 ACE Winches 146 Liftmax Europe Ltd
7 Acteon Group 147 Lloyd's Register EMEA 
8 Advanced Blade Repair Services 148 London Marine Consultants
9 Aerossurance 149 LV Logistics
10 Airspection 150 MacLean International Group
11 AJ Engineering & Construction Services 151 Malakoff Limited  
12 AJT Engineering Limited  152 Mallaig Harbour Authority
13 Altrad Babcock 153 Manor Renewable Energy
14 Amber Electrical Services 154 Marlow Ropes
15 Ampelmann Operations  155 MarynSol Ltd
16 AMS Global Group 156 Mayteck Ltd
17 Apollo  157 MB Air Systems Ltd
18 Approved Power Services 158 MDB Marine Ltd
19 Aqua Innovations 159 Mesh Global Ltd
20 Aquaterra Energy 160 Michael Gall Transport Limited
21 AquaTerra Group 161 Mingyang Smart Energy Group Limited 
22 Arc AeroSystems Ltd 162 Miros Scotland
23 Archaeological Management Solutions  163 MISTRAS Group
24 Arrow Industrial Group Limited 164 MoorEast UK
25 Asco  165 More Wind Resources
26 Ashtead Technology 166 Morgenstern Energy
27 Associated British Ports 167 Motion Software
28 ATPI Marine and Energy 168 Motive Offshore Group Limited
29 Aubin Limited 169 Myriad Wind Energy Systems 
30 Aurora Energy Services  170 NES Fircroft
31 Aventus Energy 171 Nevis Technology Ltd
32 Balmore Wind Services  172 Nexus Surface Treatments
33 Black & Veatch 173 NorrScott Productions
34 Blackhall & Powis 174 North East Scotland College
35 Bourbon Wind  175 Northern Marine Services
36 bp Innovation and Engineering 176 NOV
37 Brammer Buck & Hickman 177 Nova Innovation Ltd
38 Briggs Marine 178 N-Sea UK Limited
39 Brimmond 179 Ocean Infinity 
40 BVG Associates 180 Ocean Information Services
41 C&P Recruitment 181 Ocean Phoenix International Limited
42 Cadpeople 182 OEG Renewables 
43 Caiman Software Development Ltd 183 OES Oilfield Services Ltd 
44 Cairn Risk Consulting Ltd  184 Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult
45 CAN Renewables 185 Omexom UK
46 Cebo UK 186 Opergy Scotland Ltd
47 CEGAL 187 Optimus
48 Centurion UK Rentals and Services 188 Orion Engineering
49 Chrysalis Energy Limited 189 Orion Research
50 Cirrus Wind Services Ltd 190 OTAQ Group
51 Clowes Development 191 PANOLIN Biodegradable Lubricants (Shell UK)
52 Clyde EPC Ltd  192 Paratus Commercial Services Limited 
53 Clyde Travel Management 193 Partrac
54 Contingency Storage Solutions 194 PB Aerial Imaging Ltd
55 Craig International 195 PD & MS Group
56 Csolutions 196 PDG Helicoptors
57 Cummins UK 197 Pentagon Freight Services Plc
58 Dangle Ltd 198 Petrofac Facilities Management Ltd
59 David MacBrayne Limited 199 Port of Aberdeen
60 Denholm Industrial Services 200 Port of Inverness
61 DH Renewables 201 Portakabin (Scotland) Limited 
62 Digitalnauts 202 Power Advocate
63 DOF Subsea 203 Precision Tooling & Castings Ltd
64 Dolfines SA 204 Presserv
65 Donut International Ltd 205 Prior Power Solutions
66 Dron & Dickson 206 Proserv (Synaptec)
67 Eden Scott 207 PSG Marine & Logistics Ltd
68 EDF Renewables 208 Quanta EPC
69 E-FWD 209 Quartzelec
70 Element 2 Ltd 210 Quensh HSEQ Specialists
71 Eletelle Subsea Ltd 211 R&B Switchgear Services 
72 EMM Corp 212 Reach Subsea
73 Enerfloat Ltd 213 RED Engineering 
74 Energy Insider 214 Red Rock Power
75 Enerpro 215 Reed & Mackay
76 Engineering Construction Industry Training Board 216 Renantis
77 ESR UK (Group) Ltd 217 Renewable Parts
78 ESS 218 RenQuip
79 Euro Energy Services Limited 219 Rix Renewables
80 European Marine Energy Centre 220 Rix Shipping (Scotland) Ltd
81 Evami Consultancy Services  221 RMI
82 Fathom Group Ltd 222 RMJ Hicks Ltd
83 Fennex 223 ROAVR Group
84 Fern Communications 224 Robertson Group
85 Ffolkes Offshore 225 Roemex
86 Film Ocean 226 Roving Eye Enterprises Ltd
87 First Marine Solutions 227 ROVOP
88 First People Solutions 228 Royal Haskoning DHV
89 Flare Fire Safety Engineering Ltd 229 RS Group
90 Fraserburgh Harbour 230 RSL NDT
91 Fraser-Nash Consultancy 231 RTS Wind
92 Fugro 232 Safelift Offshore Ltd
93 GAC Group 233 Safetec UK
94 Gareloch Support Services 234 Safetrade 247 Limited
95 Gavin & Doherty Geosolutions 235 Savante Offshore Services Ltd
96 GB Tarpaulins 236 Scottish Renewables
97 GCE 237 Searchwise Aberdeen
98 GDDM 238 Semco Maritime
99 Genevos 239 Sennen
100 Geodis FF UK Ltd  240 Sercel
101 Gibb Group Ltd 241 Shimadzu Corporation
102 Global Port Services (Scotland) Ltd  242 Singapore Enterprise
103 Global Quantum 243 Skyborn Renewables
104 Global Underwater Hub 244 Skyhook Helicopters
105 GM Fab Ltd 245 Skylifter Ltd
106 GMC Limited 246 Sonardyne International Limited
107 Gow's Lybster Limited 247 Sparrows Offshore Group Ltd
108 Green Marine 248 Spectrum Engineering Solutions 
109 Griffen-Woodhouse Limited 249 STC Insiso
110 GTL Search 250 Storr Access
111 Gulfxstream 251 Stowen
112 Hagland Shipbrokers 252 Stuart Brown Consulting
113 Halliburton 253 Sulmara Subsea
114 Harper UK (Aberdeen) Ltd 254 Superior Recruitment Group
115 Hawkes Health (UK) Ltd 255 Swire Renewable Energy
116 Hebridean Sea Tours Ltd  256 Synaptec
117 Helix Robotics Solutions Ltd 257 Technip Energies N.V.
118 Heriot-Watt University 258 Texo Group Limited
119 Hugh K Gillies (Construction and Engineering Services) Ltd 259 The Environmental Recruitment Agency 
120 Hunting Energy Services 260 Therma-Light Limited 
121 Hydromea Services 261 Three60 Energy
122 IKM Testing 262 Tom Morrow Tarpaulins
123 Indeximate Ltd 263 Torishima Service Solutions Europe Limited
124 Indigo 7 Ventures 264 Trac Energy
125 Industrias Ferri SA 265 Transmission Investment Services Limited
126 Innovair 266 TSL Contractors
127 Inspectahire Instrument Co. Ltd  267 TugDock
128 Instow Line Marine Services 268 Van Oord Offshore Wind UK
129 Integrity Integrated Service Solutions  269 Ventus Resources Limited
130 Intelligent Plant 270 V-TES
131 Interocean Marine Services 271 Waterfront (Stainless Steel) Ltd
132 IRC Integrity 272 Wave Venture
133 Irvine Springs 273 Waves Group
134 ITC Hydraulics & Manufacturing 274 Westerton Access
135 J+S Subsea 275 Whittaker Engineering
136 Jamieson Management (Scotland) Ltd  276 Windcat Workboats (Scotland) Ltd
137 JDR Cable Systems 277 Windhoist
138 Juran Benchmarking  278 Wood
139 KD Marine 279 Woodys Express Parcels Ltd
140 Kent    


DeepWind subgroups

Explore our other subgroups and the benefits of membership.

Power2X Subgroup

Our Power2X Subgroup is involved in looking at alternate products from offshore wind besides the normal electricity to the grid business model.

Cables Subgroup

Onshore and offshore exports cables, subsea array and dynamic cables, this subgroup covers all aspects of offshore wind cables

Survey and Inspection Subgroup

From early stage development surveys to all aspects of aerial, surface and subsea inspections, this subgroup covers it all.