Offshore Wind Blade Inspection12 (2)

Survey and Inspection Subgroup

Specialist subgroup of the cluster involving members covering every aspect of offshore wind survey and inspection related products and services. This includes all aerial, surface and subsea activity from early stage development to asset management phases

The Survey and Inspection Subgroup is another new addition to the DeepWind family of Subgroups for 2023. It brings together members that are active across all stages of the offshore wind projects including early stage development of sites, throughout the construction and during the operational and maintenance phases. Not just for the offshore elements of the wind farm but many members also cover the onshore phase for cable and substation related surveys and inspections.    

Used to mainly to understand the site's environmental characteristics or provide an overarching viewpoint of an asset.

  • Site characteristic surveys include hydrographic using sonar sensors on vessels; towed platforms or un-crewed systems such as Unmanned Surface Vessels (USV) or Autonomous Underwater Vessels (AUV); geophysical and geotechnical including UXO (Unxploded Ordinance) identification using sub-bottom profiling or a form of mechanical sampling; metocean studies include wind resouce measurement using FLiDAR* and oceanographic sensors; and EIA's (flora, fauna and human activities).
  • Asset surveys could include cable depth of burial, scanning for digital twin, and on-site bathymetric survey.

These are typically conducted using people (technicians/divers) or remote robotic platforms to understand specific areas of an asset that are susceptible to damage or failure. Various imaging technologies can be used with the acquired data overlayed to form a measurable reference framework (point-cloud). These include sonar, cameras, laser scanners, ultrasonic etc..

Both surveys and inspections are becoming increasing dependant on the ability to extract the most relevant data from what can be a mass of captured information and the proper interpretation or analysis of this data is of key importance. 

*Floating Light Detection and Ranging 

List of Survey and Inspection Subgroup members

The Survey and Inspection Subgroup is now 148 members strong and our Industry Co-chairs are Mike Ellis from Sonardyne International and Craig Davis of Rovco. Companies wishing to join this one of our newer subgroups can submit a DeepWind membership application and select the Survey and Inspection Subgroup in the subgroup section. Existing DeepWind members can just ask to be added to this subgroup.

1 AAT Wind Energy 75 Irvine Springs
2 ABS Europe 76 Jifmar Scotland
3 Ace Aquatec Ltd 77 Kent
4 Airspection 78 Kraken Robotics Services UK Limited
5 Amber Electrical Services 79 Leask Marine
6 Ampelmann Operations  80 Liftmax Europe Ltd
7 APEM Ltd 81 Lloyd's Register EMEA 
8 Approved Power Services 82 LV Logistics
9 Aqua Innovations 83 MacArtney UK
10 Arc AeroSystems Ltd 84 MacLean International Group
11 Archaeological Management Solutions  85 Manor Renewable Energy
12 Ashtead Technology 86 Marlow Ropes
13 Aspect Land and Hydrographic Surveys 87 MarramWind Ltd
14 Atlas Professionals 88 MB Plant
15 ATPI Marine and Energy 89 MDB Marine Ltd
16 Aurora Energy Services  90 MISTRAS Group
17 Aventus Energy 91 More Wind Resources
18 Balmore Wind Services  92 NES Fircroft
19 Barassie Engineering Systems Ltd 93 NorrScott Productions
20 Briggs Marine 94 North Star
21 BVG Associates 95 N-Sea UK Limited
22 C&P Recruitment 96 Ocean Information Services
23 Caiman Software Development Ltd 97 Ocean Phoenix International Limited
24 Caley Ocean Systems 98 Ocean Science Consulting Limited
25 CAN Renewables 99 OES Oilfield Services Ltd 
26 Clarkson Platou Offshore & Renewables 100 Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult
27 Clyde EPC Ltd  101 Optimus
28 Csolutions 102 Orion Research
29 Dangle Ltd 103 Osbit Limited
30 DH Renewables 104 Paratus Commercial Services Limited 
31 Digitalnauts 105 PB Aerial Imaging Ltd
32 DOF Subsea 106 PD & MS Group
33 Dolfines SA 107 Prior Power Solutions
34 E-FWD 108 Quartzelec
35 Eletelle Subsea Ltd 109 Raeburn Drilling & Geotechnical Ltd 
36 Energy Insider 110 Reach Subsea
37 Eodex 111 Reed & Mackay
38 Euro Energy Services Limited 112 Reflex Marine
39 European Marine Energy Centre 113 Renantis
40 Fathom Group Ltd 114 RenQuip
41 Fennex 115 Revive Geoscience Services 
42 Fern Communications 116 RMJ Hicks Ltd
43 Ffolkes Offshore 117 ROAVR Group
44 Film Ocean 118 Rovco
45 First Marine Solutions 119 Roving Eye Enterprises Ltd
46 First People Solutions 120 RSL NDT
47 Fulkrum Technical Resources Ltd 121 Scottish Renewables
48 Gavin & Doherty Geosolutions 122 Seagard Limited
49 GB Tarpaulins 123 Shimadzu Corporation
50 GCE 124 Sky Tech Limited
51 GDDM 125 Skyborn Renewables
52 Geodis FF UK Ltd  126 Skyform (Scotland) Ltd 
53 Glacier Inspection Services Limited 127 Skyhook Helicopters
54 Global Quantum 128 Sonardyne International Limited
55 Global Underwater Hub 129 Sonomatic
56 GQS 130 Sparrows Offshore Group Ltd
57 Green Marine 131 STC Insiso
58 Griffen-Woodhouse Limited 132 Stork UK
59 Hagland Shipbrokers 133 Storr Access
60 Hawkes Health (UK) Ltd 134 Stowen
61 Hebridean Sea Tours Ltd  135 Stuart Brown Consulting
62 Helix Robotics Solutions Ltd 136 Sulmara Subsea
63 Heriot-Watt University 137 Superior Recruitment Group
64 HiDef Aerial Surveying Ltd 138 Swire Renewable Energy
65 Hydro Group 139 Texo Group Limited
66 Hydromea Services 140 Toda Corporation
67 I7V Renewables 141 Trac Energy
68 Innovair 142 TSL Contractors
69 Inspectahire Instrument Co. Ltd  143 Turner Iceni
70 Inspire Environmental 144 Unique Group Ltd 
71 Instow Line Marine Services 145 V-TES
72 Interocean Marine Services 146 Wave Venture
73 IRC Integrity 147 Westerton Access
74 IRIS NDT 148 Wood Thilsled 

Other DeepWind Subgroups

Explore our other specialist subgroups using the links below

Operation & Maintenance Subgroup

Operation and maintenance is one of the long term opportunity areas attached to the development of offshore wind in Scotland.

Power2X Subgroup

Our Power2X Subgroup is involved in looking at alternate products from offshore wind besides the normal electricity to the grid business model.

Cables Subgroup

Onshore and offshore exports cables, subsea array and dynamic cables, this subgroup covers all aspects of offshore wind cables