Clean Energy Cluster - supply chain
The Forth & Tay Offshore Wind cluster operate in the east of Scotland developing the supply chain and workforce.
The Scottish Offshore Wind Energy Council (SOWEC) is a partnership between the Scottish public sector and the offshore wind industry, co-chaired by Dr Alasdair Allan, Acting Minister for Climate Action, and Brian MacFarlane of SSE.
A world-class offshore wind sector that underpins the transition to net zero by 2045 and maximises the value to Scotland.
To coordinate and grow the sector, ensuring the Scottish offshore wind industry is more sustainable, competitive, and commercially-attractive, both domestically and in the global offshore wind market.
SOWEC has five subgroups tasked with dealing with different industry challenges. These include a Developer, Skills, Innovation and Barriers to Industry subgroups along with a Supply Chain and Clusters subgroup.
The diagram on the left sets out the relationships between the SOWEC main board and the delivery subgroups along with illustrating the reciprocal links and feedback loops with the two Scottish supply chain clusters, DeepWind and Forth & Tay Offshore.
In August 2021, the independent Strategic Investment Assessment was published, with a set of five strategic recommendations made to SOWEC. These recommendations were agreed in full and are now being implemented by SOWEC, with the main focus of effort being the development of a Collaborative Framework between Scottish offshore wind projects and Government. More informaton on the SIA can be found here.
Alongside its sub-groups, SOWEC is working with all ScotWind developers on a Collaborative Framework, seeking to transform Scotland's supply chain through joint sector action. This work has developed the Strategic Investment Model (SIM), launched in May 2023. The SIM's immediate priority is to agree investment priorities for larger infrastructure projects needed to successfully deliver ScotWind.
The Scottish Government sees offshore wind as one of the most important economic and net zero opportunities we have.Gillian Martin MSP, Minister for Energy, Scottish Government
Find out more about the offshore wind sector and what's happening across Scotland.
The Forth & Tay Offshore Wind cluster operate in the east of Scotland developing the supply chain and workforce.
Information on the Crown Estate Scotland ScotWind leasing round sites and their developers
Floating wind - current and pipeline projects for floating wind in Scottish waters