
List of publications from the Scottish Offshore Wind Energy Council.

  • Collaboration for Environmental Mitigation & Nature Inclusive Design (CEMNID) Final Report

    August 2024 SOWEC
    Download 41 page PDF, 723kb

    Supplementary documents:

    Download CEMNID - Mitigation Measures Efficacy Review, 30 page PDF, 483kb
    Download CEMNID - Mitigation Measures Literature Review, 104 page PDF, 1044kb
    Download CEMNID - NID Literature Review, 53 page PDF, 1866kb
    Download CEMNID - NID Suitability Review, 39 page PDF, 2364kb

    Please email Ben Miller for access to the mitigation library.

    Research published by SOWEC explores how developers of offshore wind could go above and beyond existing mitigations to maximise opportunities for nature while developing green infrastructure projects. 

    Supported by SOWEC, the Collaboration for Environmental Mitigation & Nature Inclusive Design (CEMNID) project, a collaboration between offshore wind developers and Scottish regulators, has produced a new set of tools for the sector including a ‘Good Practice Mitigation Library’ and a suitability review of Nature Inclusive Design measures. These offer a practical framework for the offshore wind sector to deliver projects with minimal impact and to benefit the marine environment. 

    Collaboration for Environmental Mitigation & Nature Inclusive Design Full Report Cover


  • SIA Collaborative Framework Draft Principles

    January 2022 SOWEC
    Download 3 page PDF, 187kb

    Scotland’s Strategic Investment Assessment recommends use of a Collaborative Framework to support growth of a Scottish Ports Cluster able to secure floating platform manufacturing, fabrication, assembly and load-out activity in Scotland. To this end, the Scottish Offshore Wind Energy Council has drafted the following principles which will underpin a collaborative framework.

    Offshore Wind Collaborative Framework Development Report Image

  • TNUoS Charges Briefing

    January 2022 , ITPEnergised
    Download 21 page PDF, 3.2MB

    Produced for SOWEC by independent consultancy ITPEnergised, this report lays bare the impacts of the higher transmission charges faced by Scottish offshore wind generators in comparison to projects in other parts of the UK. Using the latest National Grid ESO forecasts for Transmission Network Use of System (TNUoS) charges, the report finds that the difference in charges between the highest and lowest tariff zones is project to double from 2016/17 to 2026/27, further compounding the difficulties Scottish projects already face in lower the cost of energy, competing for CfDs, and continuing to attract investment into the sector.

    Image of TNUoS Charges Briefing


  • SOWEC Guide for Scottish Exporters

    October 2021, Scotia Supply Chain
    Download 74 page PDF, 3.4MB

    Produced for SOWEC by Scotia Supply Chain, this guide aims to appraise current and prospective Scottish exporters of the main offshore wind opportunities between now and 2030, with markets scored against a number of relevant issues to give an attractiveness rating for exporters.
    Image of Guide for Offshore Wind International Export Markets


  • Advertising Portal Report

    September 2021, BVG Associates
    Download 16 page PDF, 465kb

    This BVG Associates report for SOWEC examines the opportunity to increase Scottish companies' awareness of, and subsequent participation in, offshore wind tenders via the development of a centralise procurement portal for the Scottish / UK offshore wind sector. The findings are based on in-depth interviews with stakeholders which examined their requirements for improved visibility and awareness of procurement opportunities for supply-chain businesses.
    Image of Advertising Portal Report


  • PQQ Report

    September 2021, BVG Associates
    Download 19 page PDF, 478kb

    This BVG Associates report for SOWEC examines the opportunity to increase Scottish companies' awareness of, and subsequent participation in, offshore wind tenders by promoting greater standardisation of pre-qualification questionnaire (PQQ) processes and developing a 
    centralised PQQ platform for the Scottish / UK offshore wind sector. The findings are based on in-depth interviews with stakeholders which examined their requirements for improved visibility and awareness of procurement opportunities for supply-chain businesses.
    Image of Centralised PQQ Portal for UK Offshore Wind


  • Contractual Terms & Conditions Report

    September 2021, BVG Associates
    Download 21 page PDF, 927kb

    This BVG Associates report for SOWEC examines the 
    issues relating to contractual terms and conditions experienced by developers and suppliers in the Scottish offshore wind industry. The report explores potential solutions that can increase efficiency when negotiating contract terms, thus creating a fairer landscape for all tiers of the supply chain.
    Image of Report for Contractual Terms and Conditions in Offshore Wind


  • Floating Offshore Wind in Scotland: Immediate Priorities to Accelerate the Scottish Supply Chain

    September 2021, NIRAS Group
    Download 22 page PDF, 796kb

    This report by NIRAS Group for SOWEC seeks to identify immediate priorities to ensure Scotland’s floating offshore wind potential can be realised. The focus of this report is supply chain improvements that can facilitate Scottish job creation, but it also examines a range of barriers that have the potential to indirectly affect the supply chain and makes recommendations to address them.
    Image of Report for Floating Offshore Wind in Scotland: Immediate Priorities


  • UK and Scottish Baseline and Roadmap

    September 2021, BVG Associates
    Download 21 page PDF, 601kb

    This BVG Associates report for SOWEC sets a baseline for current levels of Scottish content in Scottish and UK projects, content levels, as well as giving industry and government recommendations on a roadmap to increase the amount of work Scottish and UK businesses win from offshore wind. 
    Image of Report for UK and Scottish Content Baseline and Roadmap


  • Supply Chain Stakeholder Mapping

    September 2021, BVG Associates

    Download 44 page PDF, 1.2MB
    This stakeholder map of organisations involved in offshore wind aims to provide information to help businesses understand the key sector stakeholders and how they fit together, helping them to now who to engage with, what for, and when.
    Image of report for SOWEC Supply chain and procurement


  • Strategic Investment Assessment

    August 2021, SIA Project Team
    Download 78 page PDF, 3.7mb
    This Strategic Investment Assessment (SIA) looks at what investment in capacity and capability will be necessary to deliver a step change in the ability of Scotland’s supply chain to grow and win offshore wind work. It is an independent assessment, led by Professor Sir Jim McDonald, with the support of an Executive Committee and a Working Group.
    Image of Scottish Offshore Wind Strategic Investment Assessment


  • Feasibility Study on Repurpose of Oil and Gas Infrastructure for Offshore Hydrogen Generation

    June 2021, Vysus Group
    Download 149 page PDF, 2.9mb

    This report provides an overview of existing policy and regulatory landscape, cost estimates for necessary supply chain and infrastructure to support industry planning for repurposing of oil and gas infrastructure for green and blue hydrogen production in the UK Continental Shelf. The report was commissioned from engineering and technical consultancy Vysus Group. 
    Image of Feasability Study on Repurpose Oil and Gas Infrastructure for Offshore Hydrogen Generation


  • HRA Derogations for Offshore Wind Projects in Scotland

    April 2021, CMS Scotland
    Download 27 page PDF, 406kb

    This report provides an assessment of developing Habitat Regulations Appraisal compensation options that are non-site specific. It was commissioned by SOWEC’s Barriers to Deployment Group, which is now using the report to support ongoing work looking at options for strategic compensation design.


  • HRA Derogations - Review of Seabird Strategic Compensation Options

    April 2021, MacArthur Green
    Download 166 page PDF, 1.48mb

    This report is an assessment of strategic scale forms of compensation under The Birds and Habitats Directives for seabird populations. It was commissioned by SOWEC’s Barriers to Deployment Group, which is now using the report to support ongoing work looking at options for strategic compensation design.