DeepWind Main Cluster Webinars
Main Cluster Webinar No. 20
Muir Mhor project update
Update for the supply chain on the the company's 1GW floating wind project from the ScotWind leasing round from the Muir Mhor team including:
Corrinne Gallagher, Stakeholder and Communications Manager
Stephen Kennedy, Procurement and Commercial Manager
Gilles Munro, Deputy Technical Interface Manager
Includes announcement about the submission of their planning application to Scottish Government.
A PDF copy of the presentation can be downloaded using this link: Muir Mhor presentation (PDF format, 1.5MB)
Main Cluster Webinar No.19
BlueFloat Energy ¦ Renantis Partnership Supply Chain Webinar
This webinar features an update on all six floating wind pipeline projects that the partnership will be delivering for the ScotWind, INTOG and Celtic Sea leasing rounds along with an overview of their supply chain contracting timelines
Programme included:
- An introduction from Helen Smith, Highlands and Islands Enterprise
- Short intro from Paul O’Brien, DeepWind
- Project Overview from David Robertson, Portfolio Director Scotland
- Supply Chain – Kirsty Adams, Head of UK Supply Chain
- Questions and Answers Session
PDF copy of the complete slide deck for all the presentations. Link opens in new window or tab and is not fully accessible.
Video link for the webinar to follow shortly
Main Cluster Webinar No.18
ScotWind E1-E3 Sites
Joint cluster webinar with Forth & Tay Offshore featuring the 6 ScotWind sites in the East block i.e E1-E3. This included presentations from Cluster Builder and all six consortia in the East region.
Site 1, Morven - EnBW and bp
Site 2, Ossian - Marubeni, SSE and CIP
Site 3, Bellrock - Falck Renewables and BlueFloat Energy
Site 4, CampionWind - SPR and Shell
Site 5, Mara Mhor - Fred Olsen Seawind and Vattenfall
Site 6, Cluaran Deas Ear - Thistle Wind Partners
Main Cluster Webinar No.17
ScotWind Leasing Round Briefing
Joint cluster webinar for DeepWind and Forth and Tay Offshore members. This webinar features an update on the outcome of the ScotWind leasing announcement on the 17th of January 2022.
Programme included:
An introduction from Shona Clive, Forth & Tay Offshore
ScotWind Briefing from Paul O’Brien, DeepWind
Developer View from Vicky O’Connor, Northland Power
ScotWind future timelines from Hannah Collings, Cluster Builder
Q&A session. Above speakers joined by Ian McDonald, SOWEC
PDF copy of the complete slide deck for all the presentations. Link opens in new window or tab and is not fully accessible.
Main Cluster Webinar No.16
Cluster Builder Launch - Joint DeepWind/FTO event
Introduction to the Scottish Enterprise Cluster Builder programme to assist the development of both Scottish cluster and members.
Webinar includes:
Cluster updates from DeepWind and Forth and Tay Offshore (plus video)
Introduction to Cluster Builder from Xodus Group
Supply Chain Survey initiative from Xodus Group
PDF copy of the complete slide deck for all the presentations. Link opens in new window or tab and is not fully accessible.
Main Cluster Webinar No.15
Salamander FOW Project
Introduction to the 200MW Salamander floating offshore wind project with presentations from Simply Blue Energy and Subsea7.
PDF copy of the complete slide deck for both presentations above. Link opens in new window or tab and is not fully accessible.
Main Cluster Webinar No.14
Norway-Scotland Collaboration Workshop
Norwegian companies with links to pdf copies of their presentations (Links open in new window or tab and are not fully accessible)
SeaSystems, Lars Even Nilssen, Director
Origo Solutions, Rune Reinertsen, Director
Calora Mooring Systems, Allen Boye Hansan, CEO
Scottish companies with links to PDF copies of their presentations (Links open in new window or tab and are not fully accessible)
James Fisher Asset Information Systems, Bill Ballew, Head of Innovation
Bridon Bekaert, Dr Payam Pourmand, Project Manager
SBT Energy Limited, Malcolm Bowie
Main Cluster Webinar No.13
Opportunity Cromarty Firth
A development and innovation consortium from the private and pubic sectors pledged to developing the Cromarty Firth area. This includes both offshore wind supply chain development in the area's port and hydrogen production to decarbonise local industry.
Presentations on Opportunity Cromarty Firth from:
Joanne Allday, Port of Cromarty Firth
Giles Huby, The North Highland College UHI
Frank Roach, HiTrans
PDF copy of the complete slide deck for presentations above. Link opens in new window or tab and is not fully accessible.
Main Cluster Webinar No.12
ORION and ScotWind NE1
ORION (Opportunity for Renewable Integration with Offshore Networks) is an ambitious clean energy project led by Shetland Islands Council which seeks to use onshore and offshore wind to decarbonise local industry and especially the oil and gas infrastructure both on and offshore in the vicinity of the Shetland Islands.
Presentation on the ORION project in Shetland from Gunther Newcombe, Project Co-ordinator at Shetland Island Council
Presentation on the ScotWind NE1 site, Paul O'Brien, DeepWind Cluster Manager
PDF copy of the complete slide deck for both presentations above. Link opens in new window or tab and is not fully accessible.
Main Cluster Webinar No.11
DeepWind and Forth and Tay Offshore Joint Cluster Webinar on UK Export Finance
Presentations from the Bank of Scotland and UK Export Finance on their services to support Scottish companies to export and for overseas companies buying from Scottish/UK suppliers
PDF copy of the complete slide deck featuring all three presentations
Main Cluster Webinar No.10
Robotics and Automation webinar
Presentations from Heriot Watt and Edinburgh Universities on their ORCA Hub, Edinburgh Centre for Robotics, the Robotarium and Graduate Apprenticeships
PDF copy of ORCA presentation Click link to download (not fully accessible)
PDF copy of Edinburgh Centre for Robotics presentation (to follow)
PDF copy Heriot Watt Graduate Apprenticeship presentation. Click link to download (not fully accessible)
PDF copy of the National Robotarium presentation Click link to download (not fully accessible)
Main Cluster Webinar No.9
Shetland Supply Chain Opportunities webinar
DeepWind cluster update and discussion of opportunities around the NE1 ScotWind leasing site and the ORION energy transition project led by Shetland Island Council
PDF copy of the DeepWind presentation Click link to download (not fully accessible)
PDF copy of the ORION project presentation. Click link to download (not fully accessible)
Video recording of the webinar and the Q&A session
Main Cluster Webinar No.8
Joint cluster webinar on Seagreen with SSE Renewables
DeepWind and Forth and Tay Offshore partnered to deliver this webinar with SSE Renewables, Scottish Offshore Wind Energy Council (SOWEC) and the Offshore Wind Growth Partnership (OWGP).
Featuring an update on their 1075MW Seagreen project from SSE Renewables along with sessions from SOWEC and the OWGP.
PDF copy of the complete webinar slide deck. Click link to download
Video recording of the webinar and the Q&A session
Main Cluster Webinar No.7
Joint cluster webinar on Moray West Procurement Strategy with Ocean Winds
An update from Ocean Wind's Moray West team on their 800-850MW offshore wind project in the Moray Firth in Scotland and how they intend to procure the packages and interact with the supply chain. This webinar also includes an interview session with Claire Mack of Scottish Renewables and Adam Morrison, Project Director of Ocean Winds.
PDF copy of the complete webinar slide deck. Click link to download
Parallel MS Teams sessions which followed the main webinar
Session A - Onshore Construction
PDF copy of Session A presentation. Click link to download
Session B - Offshore Construction
PDF copy of Session B presentation. Click link to download
Session C - Operation and Maintenance
PDF copy of Session C presentation. Click link to download
Video recording of main presentation and Q&A session along with a video recording of Teams Session B - Offshore Construction Package and Q&A with Roger McMichael, Peter Haughie and Chris McKeown of Ocean Winds
Main Cluster Webinar No.6
East Anglia Hub project with Scottish Power Renewables
Joint cluster webinar with Forth & Tay Offshore featuring an update from ScottishPower Renewables on their 3.1GW offshore wind project in the East of England. This webinar also includes presentations from Claire Canning of the Offshore Wind Growth Partnership (OWGP) and Sandra McCaughey of the Open4Business portal run by Inverness Chamber of Commerce.
PDF copy of the complete webinar slide deck. Click link to download
Video recording of presentation and Q&A session
Main Cluster Webinar No.5
NNG project update with EDF Renewables
Joint cluster webinar with Forth and Tay Offshore featuring an update from EDF Renewables on their 450MW offshore wind project in the Firth of Forth. This webinar also includes presentations from SOWEC Skills Group lead Jim Brown of ESP, Claire Canning of the Offshore Wind Growth Partnership (OWGP) and Sandra McCaughey of the Open4Business portal run by Inverness Chamber of Commerce.
PDF copy of the complete webinar slide deck. Click link to download
Video recording of presentation and Q&A session
Main Cluster Webinar No.4
ScotWind with SDI and Crown Estate Scotland
Joint Cluster Webinar with our sister cluster, Forth and Tay Offshore, to deliver a series of webinars over the next few months. These will be developer updates regarding their existing pipeline projects as well as covering any new ones they have added to their portfolios.
The first one in the series, on Thursday the 25th of June at 14.00, will be a bit different from these others as it will be from Crown Estate Scotland (CES) and, given the launch of the ScotWind leasing process on the 10th of June, this should be very topical.
The webinar will kick off with an introduction from Brian MacFarlane of SSE on behalf of the Scottish Offshore Wind Energy Council (SOWEC) and John Robertson from CES will be covering the introduction of the Supply Chain Development Statement (SCDS) into the leasing process. This should be of interested to the whole of the supply chain.
Here is an extract from the CES ScotWind Launch Summary which describes the purpose of this new SCDS document
‘The Supply Chain Development Statement (SCDS) provides a clear and transparent outline of the anticipated supply chain requirements for each proposed project, and the associated assumptions and dependencies. The SCDS will provide the chance for opportunities to be identified and for barriers and risks to the development of supply chain capability to be reduced.
Applicants to ScotWind Leasing will be required to submit a SCDS, setting out the level and geographic breakdown of supply chain impact they anticipate from their intended project.’
Webinar programme
14.00 Welcome, event intro and familiarisation with GoToWebinar platform – Jeya Calder, Highlands and Islands Enterprise
14.05 Opportunity and ambition for Scotland - Brian MacFarlane – SOWEC Co-Chair & Director of Offshore Renewables for Scottish & Southern Energy (SSE)
14.15 Developer Engagement and Communication Strategy - Gillian Morrison – Senior Development Manager, Highlands and Islands Enterprise
14.20 SDI Investment Support - Simon Wallace – Renewable Energy Team Leader - Scottish Development International
14.25 ScotWind, Introducing the Supply Chain Development Statements - Colin MacIver – Senior Development Manager, Crown Estate Scotland / ScotWind
14.45 Q&A Session
14.55 Survey and wrap up – Gillian Morrison, HIE
15.00 Event close
PDF copy of the complete webinar slide deck. Click link to download
Video recording of presentation and Q&A session
Main Cluster Webinar No.3
Floating Offshore Wind Subgroup launch and Celtic Sea Cluster
Webinar featuring the launch of DeepWind's first subgroup, the Floating Offshore Wind (FOW) Subgroup, which will be co-chaired by cluster champion, EDP Renewables, and supply chain member Fugro.
This webinar will introduce the FOW Subgroup and its co-chairs Andronikos Kafas (EDPR) and Julia Roope (Fugro).
This will be followed by a presentation from the UK's other floating wind supply chain player, the Celtic Sea Cluster, who will cover the planned developments in the South East of England and South Wales area.
Video recording of presentation and Q&A session
Main Cluster Webinar No.2
Remote and Autonomous Operation
Fugro presented this webinar and provided an overview of their remote & autonomous capabilities. Delivered from Fugro’s 7 global Remote Operations Centres, the webinar also provided details of the benefits of remote & autonomous operations, explained where Fugro have used their capabilities in the Renewables sector to date and started a discussion on the extensive applications for the technologies within the industry.
Download the presentation as a PDF
Video recording of presentation and Q&A session to follow shortly
Main Cluster Webinar No.1
Contract for Difference Consultation - Proposed Changes
This webinar sets out the proposed changes under the current UK consultation of the Contract for Difference scheme due to close on the 22nd of May 2020. It lays out the case for the cluster to support these changes and raises the question about what the impact on the supply chain might be as if they are all adopted as proposed. The consultation also raises questions about the CfD Supply Chain Plans and these are also key questions that will impact the supply chain. The video includes the question and answer session which followed the presentation.
Download the presentation as PDF with notes
Video recording of presentation and Q&A session
DeepWind main cluster and subgroup webinars
Here is a list of all the DeepWind video recordings of past webinars along with downloadable PDF's of the related presentation materials. Webinars are listed in date order with latest first
Use the following links to go straight to our specialist subgroup webinars
Floating Offshore Wind Subgroup webinars
Operation and Maintenance Subgroup webinars
Survey and Inspection Subgroup webinars
You can also download our 'Members of DeepWind' logo for use on your own web site and in emails. Choice of two styles